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Formalised instructions for complex tasks

Processing data consists of lots of different single tasks that can mostly be automated. This is the idea behind recipe-driven data analysis: lists of datasets and tasks that can easily be created by a user and processed fully automated. “Tasks” has a broad meaning here, including basically every automatable aspect of data analysis, including processing and analysis steps, creating representations and annotations, and finally reports.

Introducing the metaphor of recipe and cook prevents multiple meanings of the term “metadata” and the confusion this might cause. A recipe is a list of datasets and tasks to perform on them. Such recipe is processed by a cook. This is the origin of the term “recipe-driven data analysis”.

Recipe-driven data analysis should proceed fully unattended (non-interactive). This allows to use it in context of separate hardware and a scheduling system. Situations particularly benefiting from this approach are either many datasets that need to be processed all in the same way, or few datasets requiring expensive processing such as simulation and fitting. The latter is even more true in context of global fitting and/or sampling of different starting parameters, such as Monte-Carlo or Latin-Hypercube sampling approaches.

Processing a recipe should always result in documenting all tasks performed. This includes the complete set of available information necessary to reproduce and replay the tasks, both parameters and version information of the actual routines used. For ease of use, these protocols can be used again as recipes (if necessary after automatic conversion).

concepts/recipes/index.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/27 12:17 by till